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Spring Community Employment Day

Centenary University

Event Feedback \ Thank you for
participating in our event!
Tell us what you thought about it.

Rate your checkin experienceRate your checkin experience
Were there any attendees you are considering for employment?
How happy were you with your table location?How happy were you with your table location?
Would you consider coming to future events held earlier in the year?
How convenient were the time & place?How convenient were the time & place?

Thanks for your feedback!

Centenary University Community Employment Day is one week away!  Here's some information you'll need to know....



Centenary University Lackland Building

Please enter campus via Grand Avenue entrance next to Tannery Field.

715 Grand Avenue
Hackettstown, NJ 07840



Special Visitor Parking Lot (19)

Located next to the David and Carol Lackland Center for Performing Arts.

(strongly recommended if carrying equipment)


Founders Parking Lot (21)

Located at the rear of campus. Accessed from Third Avenue via Grand Avenue next to Tannery Field.



The Lackland Center main entrance where you will be directed to your table. For a sneak peek, take a virtual tour of the Lackland Center here.


University Map:

A University Map can be located here.


Setup Time:


(additional setup time available upon request)


Employer Expo



The 4-5pm Women in Business panel is postponed until the fall.


What Will Be Supplied For You:

-one 8 foot table

-2 chairs

(additional chairs if your company paid for additional registrations)

-a hole puncher

(job seekers will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for a $100 Visa Gift Card towards a new career wardrobe. They will need employers to punch their entry cards only after having a conversation with you.)


What You May Wish to Bring:

-a table cloth

-banner or décor if desired

-an extension chord if you requested an outlet


COVID Protocols

 All non-vaccinated are required to wear masks indoors on campus. Masks are currently optional for the vaccinated but strongly encouraged at public events. Please note that these policies change daily so please bring a mask.



 Lunch or snacks can be purchased at any time in the Dining Hall in the Lackland Center. 



Darlene White: Manager of External Conferences and Events | 908-852-1400 x. 2224


Catherine Reilly: Career Coach and Employer Development Specialist | 908-852-1400 x. 2363

We look forward to seeing you on April 29th!


Register here Spring Community Employment Day - Business Registration | Centenary Events (



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